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DG ENVIRONMENT Industrial Emissions Portal Regulation - Review of the list of pollutants and their thresholds, and related guidance

Jul 2024 - May 2025

RPA Europe, incollaboration with Logika and Aether, to support implementation of the Portal Regulation by assessing and, where necessary, suggesting updates to its Annex II and to certain components of the Guidelines to reflect advances in technical progress since 2006.

DG JUSTICE Business case of diversity and inclusion at work - impact of European Commission diversity and inclusion policies

May 2024 - Nov 2024

RPA Europe to assist RPA UK in investigating the benefits and potential business case for private and public organisations to pursue diversity and inclusion policies, and assessing the impact of signing a Diversity Charter in developing diversity and inclusion policies in an organisation.

GREENPEACE NETHERLANDS Study on Environmentally Harmful Subsidies

May 2024 - Sep 2024

RPA Europe, in collaboration with Metroeconomica, to track the progress of G20 economies in identifying and phasing out environmentally harmful subsidies for meat and dairy, palm oil, forestry, pulp and paper, biomass and biofuels.

DG EMPLOYMENT Guidance for the safe management of asbestos at work

Jun 2024 - Aug 2025

RPA Europe to assist RPA UK and RPA Prague in developing practical guidelines on the safe management of asbestos at work for employers, workers, occupational health and asfety services, experts and training leaders.

DG ENVIRONMENT Update of the costs of not implementing EU environmental law

Apr 2024 - Feb 2025

RPA Europe, in collaboration with Logika, to assess the costs and foregone benefits of the lack of implementation of EU environmental law in the EU-27 Member States.

DG ENVIRONMENT Support to the evaluation of Directive (EU) 2016/2284 on the reduction of national emissions of certain atmospheric pollutants (NEC Directive)

Apr 2024 - Aug 2025

RPA Europe, in collaboration with Logika, Aether and IIASA, to support the Commission in evaluating the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency and EU added-value of the NEC Directive.

DG JUSTICE Ex post evaluation of the Consumer Programme 2014-2020

Dec 2023 - Oct 2024

RPA Europe to assist RPA UK in gathering and analysing the evidence necessary for the evalution of the Consumer Programme 2014-2020.

DG GROWTH Analysis of the feasibility of creating a database for all CE marked products

Dec 2023 - Sep 2024

RPA Europe to assist RPA UK and RPA Prague in developing and assessing options to build and maintain a database for CE-marked products, to facilitate market surveillance, reduce bureaucracy, support custom control and ultimately strengthen consumer protection and convenience.

DG ENVIRONMENT  Trainings on the Environmental Liability Directive supporting its implementation in Member States

Dec 2023 - Mar 2025

RPA Europe, in collaboration with Stevens & Bolton LLP, to prepare training materials and organise workshops tailored to the needs of Member States with the aim of increasing the knowledge of the Environmental Liability Directive and its interaction with other legislation and liability instruments. The ultimate objective is to improve the implementation of the ELD across the EU.

DG ENVIRONMENT  Study on the need for, added value of, and feasibility of introducing a “positive list of pets” across the EU

Nov 2023 - Jun 2025

RPA Europe to assess the need for, added value of, and feasibility of a science-based EU-wide positive list of animals that would be allowed to be kept and/or to be traded as pets in the EU, under appropriate welfare conditions, without harm to animal and public health and to populations in the wild and to European biodiversity, based, among other inputs, and where appropriate, on the existing experience of Member States and lessons learned.

DG GROWTH Prospective study on the future of the postal sector

Nov 2023 - Sep 2024

RPA Europe to support RPA Prague in defining a number of scenarios for how the European postal sector might evolve in the next 10-20 years, and to assess their economic, social and environmental implications, especially on the financial sustainability and employment of universal service providers (USPs), as well as on their ability to fulfil their social and economic roles and promote territorial cohesion.

DG ENVIRONMENT EU Construction and Demolition Waste Management Protocol and Guidance (revision and update)

Jul 2023 - May 2024

RPA Europe, in collaboration with the Danish Technological Institute, to support the European Commission in revising and updating the 'EU Construction and Demolition Waste Management Protocol' and the 'Guidelines for the Waste Audits Before Demolition' in consideration of recent policy and technological developments.

DG ENVIRONMENT Study on the Polluter Pays principle and Environmentally Harmful Subsidies

Dec 2022 - Jan 2024

RPA Europe, with the support of Air Quality Consultants, Metroeconomica, Risk & Policy Analysts and CEPS, to carry out the supporting study to the fitness check of the implementation of the 'polluter pays' principle (PPP) and the development of a methodology for the identification and reporting of environmentally harmful subsidies (EHS).

EUROPEAN COMMISSION JOINT RESEARCH CENTRE Panorama of the main actors and key topics related to the EU taxonomy

Dec 2022 - Oct 2023

RPA Europe to support the JRC Taxonomy Team with the development of the mapping of the main actors that produce knowledge around the taxonomy in the EU, and with the identification of strategic future areas of work.

DG ENVIRONMENT Study on asbestos waste management practices and treatment technologies

Nov 2022 - Nov 2023

RPA Europe, with the support of RPA Prague, ARCADIS and the Danish Technological Institute, to investigate asbestos waste management practices and technologies in Europe and beyond, with the purpose of ensuring the waste hierarchy is properly applied also to this hazardous waste stream, giving due consideration to options to reduce its landfilling and promote its recycling into a non-hazardous mineral fraction.

DG EMPLOYMENT, SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND INCLUSION Study on collecting the most recent information on substances to analyse health, socio-economic and environmental impacts in connection with possible amendments of Directive 2004/37/EC on the protection of workers from the risks related to exposure to carcinogens, mutagens or reprotoxic substances at work

Nov 2022 - Jan 2024

RPA Europe to support Risk & Policy Analysts Ltd in assisting DG EMPL with the impact assessment of possible amendments of the CMR Directive relating to welding fumes, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, isoprene, 1,4-dioxine and cobalt and inorganic cobalt compounds.

UNITED NATIONS ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME Establishment of roadmaps for the implementation of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) in four African countries.

Nov 2022 - Apr 2024

RPA Europe to work with stakeholders from Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya and Nigeria to establish national roadmaps for the implementation of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS).

EUROPEAN FOOD SAFETY AUTHORITY Mapping of data requirements and assessment methodologies linked to the regulatory frameworks and remits of the relevant EU Agencies (ECHA, EFSA and EMA) and EC Scientific Committees (SCCS and SCHEER)

Nov 2022 - Dec 2023

RPA Europe, with the support of FoBiG, to collect and analyse data requirements and assessment methodologies applied within the regulatory frameworks of EFSA, ECHA, EMA, SCCS and SCHEER to assess the potential for harmonisation of requirements and practices across chemical assessment. 

DG EMPLOYMENT, SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND INCLUSION Guidance for the safe management of hazardous medicinal products at work, including cytotoxics

Mar 2022 - Dec 2022

RPA Europe is supporting RPA Prague and Risk & Policy Analysts in drafting a European guidance document for the safe management of hazardous medicinal products.

DG RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Providing market data about nanotechnology to enhance transparency

Sep 2021 - Dec 2022

RPA Europe, with the support of Risk & Policy Analysts and the Danish Technical University, to provide market data about nanotechnology to enhance transparency. The aim of this study is to update the nanotechnology data presented in the NanoData database, hosted on the European Nanomaterials Observatory. The action will support a better provision of information to citizens, improving transparency on nanotechnology products on the market, but also reinforce evidence-based policy-making in the field of nanotechnology.

DG GROWTH Study to support the impact assessment for potential amendments of the REACH Regulation to extend the use of the generic risk management approach to further hazard classes and uses, and to reform REACH authorisation and restriction

Sep 2021 - Dec 2022

RPA Europe to support a consortium led by VVA in providing input to the Impact Assessment accompanying the revision of the REACH Regulation in relation to aspects concerning the REACH authorisation and restriction provisions.

DG ENVIRONMENT Technical and Scientific Support to the Commission’s Impact Assessment for the Revision of the Regulation on Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Substances and Mixtures (CLP)

Aug 2021 - Nov 2022

RPA Europe, with the support of Ricardo-AEA and Risk & Policy Analysts, to assist the Commission in the preparation of the impact assessment of the revision of the CLP Regulation.

DG ENVIRONMENT Support to the Possible Introduction of Additional Information Requirements on Uses and Exposure in REACH

Aug 2021 - May 2022

RPA Europe to support RPA Prague and Oekopol in assisting the Commission in how to revise the registration requirements and the associated downstream user obligations to provide information on uses, including intermediate uses, appropriate information on tonnages to different uses and resulting exposures of consumers, workers and the environment, including humans exposed via the environment.

DG ENVIRONMENT Support to the Impact Assessment of the revision of REACH Annexes for inclusion of data requirements on endocrine disruption

Mar 2021 - Mar 2022

RPA Europe to support Ricardo-AEA in providing technical assistance and support to the Commission by analysing and assessing information available from existing reports on the topic and, only where necessary, collect further information that could be used in the preparation of an impact assessment on policy options for possible amendments of REACH Annexes to include data requirements on endocrine disruption.

EUROPEAN CHEMICALS AGENCY Chemical recycling from waste in the circular economy

Dec 2020 - Jul 2021

RPA Europe, with the support of Risk & Policy Analysts, carried out a study investigating what is currently known regarding the chemical recycling of waste: how well current recycling technologies perform; what opportunities and challenges chemical recycling presents; what benefits the use of more circular chemical raw materials streams may have for the circular economy; what concepts and applications have been proven or are at a pilot stage or planned in this area; what regulatory and technical challenges chemical recycling operators faces. Report available here.

SWEDISH CHEMICALS AGENCY Improved information requirements for registration of 1-10 tpa substances in REACH

Dec 2020 - Jun 2021

RPA Europe carried out a study to address the limited information requirements for low-volume (1-10 tpa) substances in REACH in order to improve their scope and usefulness regarding hazard and risk assessment and recommendations for safe use.  

DG ENVIRONMENT Mapping objectives in the field of environmental taxation and budgetary reform: Environmentally harmful subsidies

Nov 2020

RPA Europe to support a consortium led by VVA Brussels in a study exploring the possibilities of well-designed phasing out of environmentally harmful subsidies and aiming to serve as input to the political and societal debate on environmental reform and greening the governments’ budget.

DG ENVIRONMENT Assessment of options for revision of the Regulation establishing the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR)

Nov 2020

RPA Europe, in collaboration with Air Quality Consultants and Aether, to assist the Commission in carrying out an impact assessment of the options for the revision of the Regulation establishing the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR).

EUROPEAN CHEMICALS AGENCY A study on “Product lifecycles, waste recycling and the circular economy for nanomaterials” 

Oct 2020 - May 2021

RPA Europe, with the support of Risk & Policy Analysts, carried out a study investigating what is currently known regarding the sources and main substances contributing to nanomaterials residues and waste; how well technologies capture or eliminate nanomaterials from different waste streams; what challenges, if any, nanomaterials pose to the creation of a circular economy; what benefits the use of nanomaterials may have for the circular economy; and what positive applications nanotechnology and the use of nanomaterials have in the area of waste management and recycling (e.g. water remediation, secondary products manufacture). Report available here.

EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENT AGENCY Scoping study for developing a tool for mapping multiple environmental and social stressors

Oct 2020 - Feb 2021

RPA Europe, in collaboration with Aether, conducted a scoping study to explore options for defining, developing and maintaining a tool that displays the spatial coincidence of multiple environmental stressors, socioeconomic factors and health outcomes across Europe.

EUROPEAN CHEMICALS AGENCY Assessment of the national capacity and readiness to implement and enforce REACH, CLP, BPR, POPs and PIC in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Turkey

Oct 2020

RPA Europe, in collaboration with VVA Brussels, to assess the level of alignment of the legal framework of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia and Turkey with the EU acquis on chemicals. This includes assessing their readiness in terms of institutional capacity and infrastructure to implement and enforce REACH, CLP, BPR, PIC and POPs post their accession to the EU. The aim is to provide a detailed action plan outlining steps needed to prepare these countries to take on their responsibility as EU Member States in the implementation of these regulations.

EUROPEAN CHEMICALS AGENCY Framework Contract for support of work on restrictions, dose-response functions, Annex XIV, POPs and dossier evaluation.

Oct 2020

RPA Europe to lead a consortium of consultancies and scientific institutes in providing technical assistance to ECHA in support of strategic priority 1 on the identification and risk management of substances of concern by providing information gathering and initial assessment services for restrictions dossier preparation, preparation of dose-response functions, Annex XIV substance use investigations, work to support EU work on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), and use investigation for dossier evaluation.

DG ENVIRONMENT Support to the evaluation and revision of the EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking

Sep 2020

RPA Europe to support a consortium led by Bio Innovation Service in the evaluation of the EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking (WAP) and its subsequent revision.

DG ENVIRONMENT Study to support the assessment of impacts associated with the review of limit values in waste for POPs listed in annexes IV and V of Regulation (EU) 2019/1021

Dec 2019 - Sep 2020

RPA Europe supported the Commission in preparing the impact assessment of the amendment of the recast POPs Regulation. The amendment is required due to the listing of new substances and the review of limit values for substances already listed.

DG ENVIRONMENT Framework Contract on technical, socio-economic, environmental and cost-benefit assessments related to the implementation and further development of EU waste legislation

Nov 2019

RPA Europe to support Arcadis Belgium NV in providing technical assistance to the European Commission for the implementation and further development of EU waste policies.

DG ENVIRONMENT Methodology for establishing environmental proofing of investments funded under the InvestEU Programme

Nov 2019 - Sep 2020

RPA Europe to develop a guidance document to ensure that environmental externalities are accounted for and taken into consideration in the decision-making process for the purpose of promoting sustainable investments.

Technical support document

Case study report

DG ENVIRONMENT Framework Contract on Economic analysis of environmental policies and analytical support in the context of Better Regulation

Jul 2019

RPA Europe to lead a consortium of consultancies and universities in providing economic analysis of environmental policies and analytical support to the European Commission Directorate-General Environment.

ECHA Assessment of the national capacity and readiness to implement and enforce REACH, CLP, BPR and PIC in Montenegro and Serbia

Jul 2019 - Jan 2021

RPA Europe, together with VVA Brussels, carried out a study aiming to assess the level of harmonisation of the legal framework of Montenegro and Serbia with the EU acquis on chemicals, to clarify their readiness in terms of institutional capacity to implement and enforce REACH, CLP, BPR and PIC post their accession to the EU and to provide a detailed action plan outlining steps needed to fully harmonise and enable both countries to take on their responsibility as EU Member States in the implementation of these regulations. The reports are available at:

Jan 2019 - Mar 2020

RPA Europe to lead this project for the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises aiming to extend contacts and disseminate solutions through the Partnership Opportunities Database and the Europe Enterprise Network, between SMEs interested in replacing substances of potential concern used in their industrial processes, and solution providers. The ultimate objective is to facilitate solutions in particular in the areas of the bio-economy, the circular economy, the biocidal products and other sensitive sectors, reducing the search costs for SMEs and accelerating the substitution of chemical substances of concern.

DG GROW Feasibility study on the use of comprehensive tools to manage information flows from product supply chains to waste operators

Dec 2018 - Mar 2020

RPA Europe supported a consortium led by Ökopol with the assessment of the feasibility of establishing comprehensive tools, including software applications, to track and link information on products, in particular articles, at all stages of their life cycle and to make relevant parts of that information available to downstream users, workers, consumers and recyclers, with a particular emphasis on tracking of substances of concern throughout the supply chain.

European Chemicals Agency State of play study of the market for so called “next generation” nanomaterials.

Jan 2019 - Sep 2019

RPA Europe carried out a study aiming to investigate the uses and market of next generations nanomaterials and whether the terminology and current legal requirements for the identification of nanomaterials are likely to pose technical challenges. Report available here.

OECD Guidance on the benefits of regulations for chemical accidents prevention, preparedness and response

Apr 2018 - Dec 2018

RPA Europe was commissioned by the OECD the development of a guidance document on the benefits of regulations for chemical accidents prevention, preparedness and response. The main goal of the guidance is to provide a framework outline of agreed-upon quantitative and qualitative benefits. The guidance provides common-language for communication with decision makers on both the impacts that can be quantified and those that would rather be analysed in a qualitative way.

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