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Revision of the E-PRTR Regulation

Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 January 2006 concerning the establishment of a European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (the E-PRTR Regulation) is to transpose, at an EU level, the UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) Kyiv Protocol on pollutant release and transfer registers.


The E-PRTR helps improve public access to environmental information on pollutant releases and transfers from Europe's largest industrial facilities. By establishing a coherent and integrated database with clear data on the annual mass emissions (and transfers) of pollutants, the E-PRTR enables the public to become more closely involved in environmental decision-making.  The review of the E-PRTR Regulation concluded that it is generally ‘fit for purpose’ but there are some areas for possible refinement.


The E-PRTR Regulation is closely linked to Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions (the IED) and, as for the latter, an impact assessment to examine revisions to the E-PRTR Regulation is currently under way. 

The first Stakeholder Workshop was held online on 15 December 2020. Webinar recordings and slides are available for download here and from the European Commission CIRCABC website.

The second and final Stakeholder Workshop was held on 9 July 2021. Webinar recordings and slides are available for download here and from the European Commission CIRCABC website.

A targeted stakeholder survey was open between March and April 2021. The questionnaire is available here.

Two focus groups (by invitation) were held to refine and validate the assumptions used for the impact assessment and better define some of the measures considered:

  • The first focus group was held online on 2 September 2021 and saw the participation of 15 stakeholder representatives. It focused on the discussion of the potential inclusion of additional activities and pollutants in the scope of the Regulation, and the associated capacity and reporting thresholds.

  • The second focus group was held online on 3 September 2021 and saw the participation of 17 stakeholder representatives. It focused on the discussion of the issues around the provision of contextual information, reporting modalities, access to E-PRTR information and reporting of diffuse sources.

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